Do You Invest In Yourself?

When was the last time you invested in yourself or your business? And how much did you invest?
Sometimes, it can be hard to focus on ourselves and our own needs. There's usually family to look after or friends who need us. Or urgent situations where things are happening that are out of our control and we just have to get through them as best we can.
This week's newsletter looks at risk taking and reward from several points of view.
Must Read/Listen
Crocodiles and Calculated Risks
Recently my husband and I found ourselves swimming in crocodile territory. I would have said "infested waters", but it's their home and we were just visiting. But the experience sparked a few thoughts on risk taking and how ... sometimes ... the reward can be exponentially more valuable than the fear we endure when we take risks.
Read on to find out what happened.
Turning Pages Into Performances: The Art of Audiobook Publishing
Teddy Smith, host of the Publishing Performance podcast, interviews publisher Victoria Gerken about what it's like helping authors take the risk of turning their stories into audiobooks and get them out into the world. Very interesting and definitely worth a listen.
Creating Personality-driven Email Newsletter
Hosts Lynne Testoni and Rachel Smith talk to Steven Lewis, veteran copywriter about the art of writing a great email and what it's like to jump in the deep end and move from editorial work to copywriting. If you enjoy listening to someone bring a bit of wit and personality to their interviews, you'll enjoy this one.
Resource Roundup
Use This Course to Help You Get High-Value Clients
If you're struggling to convince potential clients that you're worth your fees, this course from veteran copywriter Steven Lewis (and me) will help.
It will help you pinpoint the precise words and structure to make your audience say, ‘You’re exactly who I need,’ without ever lowering your fees.
By the time you finish the course, you'll be creating messaging that naturally inspires high-paying clients to see you as the most valuable choice, even if they’re evaluating other options.
Add a Second String to Your Bow and Turn Your Ideas Into New Revenue Streams
If you've been thinking about adding something to your freelance writing business that will bring in a bit of cash, but need help coming up with an idea, check out this $9 mini-course (yup, that's not a typo) from yours truly.
In this course, I walk you step-by-step from "no idea" to finding an idea you'll still be happy doing 10 years from now. I've used this same process to help over a hundred people come up with solid ideas for a new product/service and now it's your turn.
What We're Loving
Boots for Comfy Feet

I don't know about you, but I love getting outdoors. So I need good hiking boots. I've had these for about 3 years now and you can see from the photo that they are well used.
Why do I like these particular boots so much? The main reason is because my feet are so wide, I could almost paddle a boat with them. And Colombia offer wide sizes, which is perfect.
The second reason is that Australia, like many other parts of the world, has snakes. And I, like so many other people, do not feel comfortable around snakes. They are not a risk I'm willing to take.
So I like to think that my boots will give me a bit more protection than shoes ... although my doctor husband tells me that if you get snake bit here in Aussies, it's usually on the shin .... 😳
If you're looking for well-fitting, long lasting hiking boots (affiliate link), try these on for size.

Shirts for Sweaty Walks
Another bit of gear that gets a lot of use when I'm hiking is my beloved lightweight shirt, also made by Colombia. It's hardwearing, keeps the wind off, lets the sweat out and dries out really quickly if it gets wet. It doesn't wrinkle, never needs ironing and it hardly weighs anything at all. Which is great when you're limited in how much weight you can carry with you.
Alas, they don't seem to have this teal'ish colour available this year, but they do have lots of other great colours (affiliate link) so there's heaps of choice.
Upcoming Events

Don't Wait Too Long To Sign Up
Time is running to sign up for Treasa's "Mastering Content Strategy Bootcamp". You've got exactly 3 and a bit days to save your spot. Do it now so you don't miss out.
Wrap Up
I hope this week's newsletter has gotten you thinking about the types of risk you should (and shouldn't) be taking as you grow your business and grow as a person.
Life is short, so don't wait too long to invest in yourself.
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